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JGivens - Fly Exam

Testimony A Musician's Story

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JGivens - Fly Exam

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

In Part 1, we told the story of JGivens, now prepare to take flight as he takes us through this latest album, Fly Exam.

Follow JGivens on Twitter @pray4jgivens

Show your support and purchase Fly Exam at iTunes or Google Play

00:00 - Super Lowkey
00:27 - So Fly
04:00 - Ignorantro
06:55 - Butterfly Stance
10:02 - Fahrenheit 99
13:56 - 10, 2 Get In
17:06 - Fly Exam
20:20 - Lost In Space
23:08 - Hummingbird Stance
23:54 - Take Off With Me
25:06 - They Said They'd Be Jetpacks
27:00 - March 10th and a 3rd
29:23 - March 10th and a 3rd