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Butta P

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Butta P

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Rhema Soul’s Butta P, shares her personal testimony. This Testimony: A Musician’s Story includes triumph over drug abuse, sexual assault, and how a conversation with rapper-singer-songwriter Missy Elliot helped to shed light on her position in the music industry.

Follow Butta P on Twitter @ButtaP

Download her latest EP for free here

00:00 - Save Me
00:34 - No Love
03:05 - Champion
06:49 - Padre Nuestro
10:33 - Unstoppable
12:46 - Malibongwe
14:47 - Chicago
15:50 - Chicago
18:45 - No Love
20:01 - Save Me
22:16 - Save Me
24:39 - Bermuda Triangle
26:20 - See Me
28:42 - See Me