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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 


Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

You may have heard JGivens featured on some of your favorite songs the past couple of years. But did you know about his struggles with heroine abuse, or how he has a difficult time accepting being a dumb rapper? Listen to his Testimony: A Musician’s Story to find out how God helped him to re-imagine his future.

Follow JGivens on Twitter

Be sure to pick up Fly Exam at iTunes or Google Play

00:00 - 10, 2 Get In
00:36 - 10, 2 Get In
01:49 - (a)bridge(d) thoughts
04:30 - Bienvenue
09:12 - #KeepPraying4
11:23 - Light Fantasy
13:18 - Super Lowkey
16:35 - Hummingbird Stance
19:08 - The Bus Stop Song
21:04 - Hungry 2.0
29:09 - Lost in Space