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Gemstones - Blind Elephant

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Gemstones - Blind Elephant

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown


Aliens, illuminati, suicide, and God?  Those are just a few of the topics the under-rated rapper from Chicago discuses in his highly anticipated debut album Blind Elephant.  It has been a long time since Gemstones was working side by side with Lupe Fiasco, now he is on a mission to save souls while being a lyrical miracle.  Journey with Gemstones as he speaks candidly about his almost divorce and Blind Elephant.

Purchase Blind Elephant on iTunes

Want to know more about Gemstones? Check out his original episode of Testimony: A Musician's Story. 

“Selfish” video
“Circles” video

Featured Songs:
00:28 - Mama
01:35 - Break Every Chain
05:57 - Press Harder
09:09 - Don't Let Me Fall
10:52 - Quick Go In
12:28 - Believe
13:22 - Lyrical Miracle 
16:15 - New World
18:22 - New World
20:11 - Temple
22:31 - Temple
24:05 - Almost Home
24:52 - Circles
28:12 - Rapture