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Chris Cobbins

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Chris Cobbins

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Singer Chris Cobbins talks to Testimony: A Musician’s Story about how God’s grace kept him from loosing his virginity until he got married, winning a Dove and Stellar Award for his first two placements with Lecrae and Trip Lee, and how loosing two babies and his brother birthed the EP August Season: Take One.

Purchase Take One on iTunes or Google Play

Connect with Chris on Twitter @chriscobbins

00:28 - UP
01:54 - Aye Yah
05:44 - One
07:42 - One
10:43 - March
13:01 - You Da One
16:03 - You Da One
19:59 - Life 101
21:51 - Hello World
24:04 - Hello World
24:58 - You Care
29:09 - You Care