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Alex Faith and Dre Murray - Southern Lights

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Alex Faith and Dre Murray - Southern Lights

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Experience Southern Lights: Overexposed in this first ever visual album, featuring the entire track list of the recorded album by Alex Faith + Dre Murray. See features from Swoope, Corey Paul, and many others.

They have been criticized for speaking on race; they have been accused of not having enough gospel in their music.  Alex Faith and Dre Murray’s Southern Lights: Overexposed may not be your cup of tea, and that is okay, because they have a target audience in mind.  To find out Alex and Dre’s heart and purpose behind this album listen to their Testimony: A Musician’s Story.

Purchase Southern Lights on iTunes or Google Play
Follow Alex Faith @alexfaithATL and Dre Murray @dremurray22

00:28 - All Around the World

01:30 - I-610
01:52 - I-235
02:52 - Overexposed
07:44 - Wake Up
11:28 - Wake Up
13:06 - Money
15:28 - Money
16:25 - City of Nightmares
18:07 - City of Nightmares II
19:13 - Decatur Street Blues
23:13 - Forever
24:58 - Takin' Time
29:32 - Overexposed

Want to know more about these artists? Check out the original Testimony Episodes of Alex Faith and Dre Murray.