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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 


Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

His sophomore album Tomorrow We Live debuted # 1 on Amazon and # 3 on iTunes.  Get to know rapper KB as he discusses with Testimony: A Musician's Story: growing up as a troubled teen, devoting his life to Christ, what makes being in an interracial marriage provocative, signing with Grammy winning Lecrae’s Reach Records, and the concept behind his chart topping album. *Click to Tweet*

Follow Reach Records (@reachrecords) and KB (@KB_HGA) on Twitter

Purchase Tomorrow We Live on iTunes or Google Play 

00:28 - Rich Forever
02:35 - Who Is KB
03:57 - Weight Music
05:24 - Weight Music
07:26 - Drowning
10:44 - Drowning
13:36 - Don't Waste Your Life (Remix)
14:31 -Don't Waste Your Life (Remix)
18:27 - Lights Go Out
20:57 - Church Clap
22:04 - Church Clap
24:13 - I Believe
27:46 - Crown and Thorns (Oceans)