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Jor'dan Armstrong

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Jor'dan Armstrong

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

The triple threat singer-songwriter-producer, Jor’dan Armstrong, shares his life story with Testimony: A Musician’s Story.  He discusses growing up with the “church boy” label, gives advice about abstaining from sex, and talks about being hated on by Christians for the type of music he makes.

Follow Jor'dan on Twitter @WheresJor_Dan

Purchase 52 Weeks of Summer on iTunes or Google Play

00:28 - I'm Wit It
02:32 - You Should Know
08:28 - I Got Too
12:27 - I'm Down
14:39 - I'm Down
17:13 - Friends
19:34 - Friends
20:56 - Came Up
22:30 - Let Him Do It
28:28 - We Made It