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Ruslan - Part 2

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Ruslan - Part 2

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown


Ruslan discusses exploring the idea of doing for one what you can do for a thousand in part two of Testimony: A Musician’s Story. Listen as he breaks down the concept of his latest album Do for One, shares the meaning behind some of the tracks, and explains why we should extend grace towards artist like Kanye West and Justin Bieber.

Purchase Do for One on iTunes
Follow Ruslan on Twitter @RuslanKD

00:28 - Arrogance
01:20 - Mud
02:33 - Mud
06:23 - Insomniac Dreams
07:05 - Intro
08:26 - Intro
09:59 - Time
11:13 - Packing Light
12:52 - Packing Light
14:34 - New Age Slave
15:55 - New Age Slave
16:25 - If there was no God
18:02 - Do for One
22:12 - Good Thing
23:50 - My Love
25:01 - Seeing in Believing 
28:35 - Insomniac Dreams