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Up and Comers Episode 6 - Th3 Saga - Street Hymns

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Up and Comers Episode 6 - Th3 Saga - Street Hymns

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

In the battle rap world Th3 Saga and Street Hymns are well known. To the church their ministry tactics may be a bit unconventional, but they are powerful. Listen to the testimonies of these two up and comers in this episode of Testimony: A Musician’s Story.

Follow Th3 Saga (@Th3Saga) and Street Hymns (@StreetHymns) on Twitter

*The3 Saga*
00:28 - All of Me
01:34 - Sample Battle Rap
02:45 - Soon to Give
04:00 - Soon to Give
06:27 - Brand New
08:16 - M.I.T.I.M.
11:18 - All of Me
14:33 - Ain't Gon Back

*Street Hymns*
16:15 - Still Waters
17:22 - Sample Battle Rap
21:28 - RIOT
24:59 - Posted
27:47 - Back In
29:28 - Back In