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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 


Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Chicago duo Alert312 share their story, and the inspiration behind their hip hop and ministry work. This episode highlights the concepts behind their latest release The Upside Eternal. The Duo also heads up Street Lights Bible ministry, which attempts to bridge the gap between inner city youth and biblical teaching. Listen to Alert312’s Testimony: A Musician’s Story now.

Follow Alert312 on Twitter: @ALERT312

Be sure to grab The Upside Eternal at

00:00 - Local
00:33 - Kingdom Falling
01:31 - Local
03:37 - Invisible Man
05:38 - Lack of Achievement
07:39 - The Wild
11:03 - The Villain vs The Virtue

13:19 - The Villain vs The Virtue
16:11 - Kill the Elephants
20:14 - Cloud City
22:10 - Cloud City
23:40 - The Upside Eternal
27:12 - The Darkest Night