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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 


Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

He was that Christian rapper who was gang affiliated. While saving souls, he was praying for his, as he banged on the streets of Northern California. Until finally he fully submitted to God. He dropped the red rag for purple and has been reppin’ HOG MOB ever since. Listen to Sevin’s Testimony: A Musician’s Story.

Follow Sevin on Twitter: @sevinhogmob
Be sure to download I’ll Wait for FREE!
Purchase Purple Heart at Google Play or iTunes

00:00 - Blow my High
00:28 - Safest Place
05:42 - One Moment
09:35 - Surrender
12:31 - Surrender
13:29 - Blow my High
17:24 - Back 2 You
18:56 - Back 2 You
23:55 - I'll Wait
24:59 - I'll Wait
28:36 - Y.O.L.O