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Dillon Chase

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Dillon Chase

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

00:00 - Speak Up
00:28 - Speak Up
02:07 - Fall
05:15 - Needs
11:36 - How He Loves Remix
16:02 - All About God Remix
19:56 - Glory (Live at People's Church)
22:33 - Heart
28:53 - Heart

Dillon Chase found early success with a cosign from Lecrae, but wasn't quite ready for it yet. Since then he has found his lane and is now being recognized for it. Find out how he went from growing up with drug addicted parents, to this incredible musical journey of rap and worship in this episode of Testimony: A Musician's Story.

Find Dillon on Twitter @dillonchaseok
Download Speak Up Vol. 3 at Noisetrade