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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 


Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

How many singer-songwriters can say that they worked with Timberland and P.Diddy? While in her 20's, Giel was on the verge of breaking out into a mainstream musical career. But her life changed and so has the lives of some of her listeners once she started making music for God. You can hear her Testimony: A Musician’s Story now.

Follow her on Twitter @gielmusic

You can purchase her latest album The Decree on iTunes

00:28 - 130:05 Hope
03:02 - My Story
04:57 - Brave Ones
07:01 - My Story
12:01 - 130:05 Hope
13:42 - Second Time
16:04 - Sometimes God
18:11 - Sometimes God
20:13 - Run
21:41 - Run
23:25 - It's Over
26:31 - Forever
29:04 - Forever