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Tony Tillman

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Tony Tillman

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

It’s easy to become a product of your environment, Tony Tillman did. He became a Crip at 12 and later discovered Jesus. With his latest project Camden he gives hope to the un-churched by declaring that Jesus is for everybody, even those who come from places like Camden.  

Follow Tony on Twitter

Purchase Camden on iTunes or Google Play

00:00 - CMDN
00:45 - 870
01:38 - 870
03:17 - About Me
08:09 - Adams Avenue
09:59 - Role Model
12:14 - Role Model
16:01 - Without You
19:01 - Lord Have Mercy
22:34 - I Preach Christ
25:32 - CMDN
28:40 - Shadows