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Up and Comers - Episode 2 featuring James Gardin and Customary

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Up and Comers - Episode 2 featuring James Gardin and Customary

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

One has received accolades from his debut project, and the other is a triple threat rapper-singer-producer.  Listen as up and comers James Gardin and Customary share their testimony.

Follow James Gardin on Twitter
and find his music on iTunes and SoundCloud

Follow Customary on Twitter 
and find his music on iTunes

Featured Songs:
James Gardin
00:28 - NHP Jr
02:00 - Gold
03:15 - City Limits
07:22 - Feels Like
08:47 - Feels Like
10:20 - No One
12:07 - Good Bad
13:24 - Dinner for Two
15:30 - More than Words
19:12 - Fear
20:37 - Room to Grow
24:50 - Hanging On
26:09 - People Get Ready
29:22 - Left with Nothing