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Sean C Johnson - Circa 1993

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Sean C Johnson - Circa 1993

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Sean C Johnson, one of most underrated soul singers in the industry, is back with a new project.  Listen while Testimony: A Musician’s Story catches up with one of their first interviewees as they take an in-depth look into Circa 1993.

And don’t forget to check out what Sean has to say about the “same team” mantra not being totally realistic, in this TMS exclusive.

Find Sean on Twitter @seancjohnson

00:28 - I Need It
02:04 - No Never
05:05 - Shepherd Me
06:57 - Thirty 
09:12 - Silver & Gold
12:01 - Mountains
14:28 - Nothin' but a G-Thang
15:51 - Melodies
17:28 - Redemption Song
18:19 - Knew Him
19:08 - Mirrors 
22:33 - No Flex Zone
23:30 - Made of Love
24:47 - Final Frontier
26:42 - Magic & Kareem
29:26 - Final Frontier