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Taelor Gray

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Taelor Gray

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown


Taelor Gray is not only Christon Gray's brother, but he's a skilled lyricist who just dropped his latest album The Mocker and the Monarch. This album has quickly become an underground/indie favorite. Hear what Taelor has to say about being referenced as Christon's brother, his lyrical content, and how be came to know Christ in this episode of Testimony: A Musician's Story

Follow Taelor on Twitter: @taelor_gray

You can purchase The Mocker and the Monarch on iTunes 

00:00 - Famous
07:13 - Details
10:21 - Square
14:22 - Scapegoats
21:37 - Vogue
23:51 - In Secure
24:42 - Cold
27:32 - Hallow Man