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Renaissance Movement Music - Legin & Sinai

Testimony A Musician's Story

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Renaissance Movement Music - Legin & Sinai

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Three solo artists came together in Hampton Roads, VA to disciple each other and boldly proclaim their love for Jesus. Hear the story behind Renaissance Movement Music and artists Legin and Sinai.

Follow the RMM family on Twitter @RMMusictv @LeginRM @SinaiRM_ 
Pick up Lions in Suits on Feb. 26th at Google Play or iTunes

00:00 - Without You
00:28 - Baal
02:55 - Black Tie Affair
05:53 - Without You
09:29 - I'm Not
15:18 - Hands High
18:21 - Why I Do It
21:40 - Lioness
25:04 - Lioness
27:07 - Ain't Worried