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Promise Testimony

Promise has an unreleased mixtape featuring young Drake. He has worked with some of the most recognizable names in mainstream and Christian music. Listen to his Testimony: A Musician’s Story to hear his full story, why he is no longer signed to Da T.R.U.T.H’s music label Mixed Bag, and the meaning behind his latest EP TellAVision.

Follow Promise on Twitter @iPROMISEMUSIC
Grab the TellAVision EP at: Google Play or iTunes

00:00 - Right Now
00:28 - Right Now
04:19 - Why Don't You
09:50 - Against the Odds
11:26 - Cliches
16:33 - Cliches
19:34 - Miles Away
22:20 - Alleyway
24:35 - Who You Are
28:10 - Who You Are