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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 


Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

More than simply gaining success in the rap game, NomiS wanted to talk about social justice in a way that people could throw on his record in a car and ride to it. Hear his full story, and how Jesus taught him to be passionate about unjust causes, in this episode of Testimony: A Musician’s Story podcast.

Follow NomiS on Twitter @NomisHipHop
Get his latest album on iTunes 

00:00 - Traffic
00:28 - Smile
05:18 - Violence Within the Violin
09:04 - Prevail
10:46 - More Than Meets the Eye
13:15 - Traffic
15:39 - Traffic
19:40 - Socially Just
23:30 - Flaw
26:37 - Love God, Love People