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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 


Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Illuminate is an ex-banger from the bay area of California. He has worked with just about every big name rapper in the game. He has backslide a couple of times, taken massive amounts of drugs, been in several shoot outs, but his love for the Lord and authenticity makes him an excellent fisher of men. Listen to this backstage interview of Testimony: A Musician's Story now.

Follow IllumiNate on Twitter @IlluminateITW
Pick up Authenticity now iTunes | Google Play 

00:00 - Dope Boy's Lullaby
00:28 - Erryday
04:36 - Coming Home
08:04 - Coming Home
13:54 - Swerve
16:53 - Dope Boy's Lullaby
23:44 - The Main Attraction
25:32 - Intro
29:33 - Authenticity