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HeeSun Lee - Beauty For Ashes

Testimony A Musician's Story

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HeeSun Lee - Beauty For Ashes

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Female rapper HeeSun Lee talks about hypocritical Christian rappers, the importance of humanizing cops, being an underdog in the male-dominated rap game, and her latest release Beauty for Ashes.

Connect with HeeSun on Twitter @HeesunLee
Download Beauty For Ashes on iTunes or Google Play

00:00 - All Out
00:36 - All Out
01:58 - Life Is Too Short
03:09 - Intro
06:25 - Losing Faith
11:25 - Beauty For Ashes
15:44 - Bloodlines
19:29 - I Love You Daddy
23:14 - Let Me Talk
27:17 - Underdog