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GAWVI: We Belong

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

GAWVI: We Belong

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

For years GAWVI produced music for artists like Lecrae, Trip Lee, Social Club, and Rhema Soul. Now he is center stage as an official Reach Records artist. Listen to GAWVI's Testimony: A Musician's Story.

Follow him @GAWVI
Download We Belong on iTunes or Google Play

00:00 - Like We Belong
00:30 - God Speed
01:25 - God Speed
04:42 - Late Nights
06:23 - Never Fails
12:05 - Rock N Roll
16:46 - Show Me
20:08 - Like We Belong
22:37 - Hold On