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Beacon Light

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Beacon Light

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

00:00 - Haters
00:28 - Haters
02:47 - Be That Way
05:13 - Falling
08:36 - The Drop
10:54 - The Drop
13:16 - The Drop
15:11 - Quite Like Me
17:01 - Overload
20:44 - Oh Lord
22:22 - Jesus Loves Me
26:33 - Lit
28:15 - Lit

Beacon Light has overcome dark trials of sexual and substance abuse, and is now a resource of light to others.  Beacon shares his testimony and discusses his latest album Lit during this episode of Testimony: A Musician's Story. 

Follow Beacon Light on Twitter @beaconmusic
Download his latest album on iTunes or Google Play