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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Datin - CHH Ain't Dead

Gaelika Brown


In this episode of Testimony a Musician’s Story, presented by Sound Seekers, Datin is back with us after dropping his latest project titled CHH Ain't Dead and he recaps his Testimony, that can be heard in our archive. He talks battle rapping on BET’s 106th and Park, and almost getting signed to Eminem’s Shady Records and over a decade later being a part of a Shade 45 cypher. Additionally, we discuss dating in your 30s, battling depression, and why he thinks Christian Hip Hop aint dead. Datin also raps and breaks down “We Fight”, “Snot Rag” “Hall of Martyrs”, and “Wake Up” in the 4 song break down.

Listen to his classic testimony episode HERE.