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Up and Comers Episode 4 featuring Drew Allen and JG

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Up and Comers Episode 4 featuring Drew Allen and JG

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown


Northern California R&B crooners Drew Allen and JG discuss giving their life to Christ as teens, then going to college as athletes, wild n’ out and rededicating their lives to Christ. 

>> Due to the sexual content surrounding child molestation this Up and Comers special edition of Testimony: A Musician’s Story is labeled explicit. <<

Drew Allen
Follow him on Twitter @IAmDrewAllen
Purchase Jenesis on iTunes or Google Play 

Follow him on Twitter @IAMJG87
Find The Pursuit of Happiness at Jam The Hype or NoiseTrade

-Drew Allen-
00:28 - Shoot Me Down
02:57 - Fire
03:55 - Beautiful Mess
09:05 - I Love It
11:42 - Pieces
14:44 - I Love It

16:29 - Krazi
19:08 - Foster Boy
23:16 - I Won't Sleep
25:14 - My City
29:27 - Pursuit of Happiness