Testimonial #1
Gaelika Brown
“I love Testimony!”
— Wande
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“I love Testimony!”
— Wande
“This is like a top interview for me. I really did enjoy it.”
— Miles Minnick
Read More“You did my favorite interview I ever done with anybody. It was so thorough. It was dope. You did a great job last time [hope we can set up another].”
—Bumps INF
“Much success to you. I’m glad you are back doing this. There definitely are not a lot of female voices in this space. We need perspective. I’m thankful that you are doing this.”
— Dre Murray
Read More“Gemstones, the homie was the first episode I heard you do [the classic style episodes]. I thought it was dope how you put it together. How you played the music, and asked the questions. It was seamless. I’m grateful for this [interview] opportunity.”
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